ECP Loyalty Reward Points Program
How to redeem your ECP voucher on the website
- Login with the phone number that you registered while making your ECP Membership.
- Add your favorite Junaid Perfume product to the cart and go to the checkout page.
- On the checkout page you will see an ECP Voucher box as shown below, you can select your voucher code and the available loyalty points will be applied to the total order\product(s) amount.
Terms & Conditions
- ECP vouchers can only be applied on orders worth more than 25.BD or 250.AED or 250.SAR or 25.OMR
- Only one ECP Vouchers can be applied per order. Voucher values (7 BD /7 OMR/70 SAR/70 AED)
- The vouchers do not apply to COD Fee. The expiry date of ECP Vouchers is 5 years.
How to Register for ECP Membership Online
- Make a single purchase of 50.BD or 500.AED or 500.SAR or 50.OMR or of more value in one order.
- Once the order is delivered to you, an SMS containing the ECP registration form will be sent to your registered number.
- Fill the form with all the required details.
- After evaluation and confirmation of all the details, you will receive a welcome email and\or SMS of your ECP membership confirmation within 3 working days.